Summer 2024 Tax Update

It’s time for yet another reminder that ID Theft and Cybercrimes (fraud) are both real and on the rise! These days, it’s mostly internation criminal organizations targeting everyone, but especially older individuals, and they have gotten very good at what they do.  Never trust email links, messages, or phone calls without verifying, even if they seem real.  If anything looks or sounds “off”, ask a friend or family member for a second (or third or fourth) opinion.  Be safe online!

If you filed an extension this year, S-Corps and Partnerships are due on September 15th.  Personal income taxes are due on October 15thThere is no extending your extension anymore!  Filing after your extension expires means a gleeful IRS assessing big penalties and taking even more of your (their) money.

I also have several files on my desk waiting for signatures and/or payments, so please let me know if one of them is yours so I can get your taxes efiled.

I hope everyone is having a great Summer.  I’ve been watching some Olympics (I like beach volleyball and women’s soccer).  My wife didn’t think surfing should be an Olympic sport until I mentioned skateboarding and trampoline…