Quick reminder time. Tax Day this year is May 17, 2021. 2 weeks from today! You still have time to get your documents to us, but the clock is seriously ticking away. We also have limited appointments available in our…
2021 Q1 Estimated Tax Payments
If you make estimated tax payments (you know if you do), you may be confused about your 1Q21 payment due date (we were). Congress has a bill in progress to change that date to May 17, 2021, but as of…
Do You Need to File an Amended Tax Return?
Congress has made a royal mess of things this year between Stimulus 2, Stimulus 3, and retroactive tax law changes in the middle of tax season! Fortunately, most of you don’t need to do anything to “fix” their mess, but…
Stimulus 3 & Unemployment Update
Quick update time! I’m trying to be brief, so call or email me if you have any questions. Stimulus 3 – Many of you have already received your 3rd stimulus ($1400 per person on your return), and the rest of…
Tax Day Delayed Until May 17!
The IRS has finally caved to Congressional pressure and extended the tax season until May 17. You may never hear me say this again, but it’s not the IRS’s fault! Congress waited until the end of December to pass Stimulus…
Stimulus 3 Incoming!
The 3rd Stimulus Bill of $1.9T (that’s a lot of zeros! >> $1,900,000,000,000) has passed Congress and will likely become law tomorrow. This means a bunch of politicians crammed a ton of political paybacks (as usual) into a massive bill…
Is That My Refund?!
Quick update. The IRS has started depositing refunds (yay!). We still think they’ll delay funding any refunds that claim additional stimulus credit (because you didn’t get your full amount last year or in January), but everything else appears to be…
Refund Timing This Year
I’ve been trying to get a definitive answer on how long it will take the IRS to issue refunds this year, but in the words of Ygritte, “You know nothing John Snow”. Or, rather, the IRS isn’t making any promises. …
Tax Facts 2021 Newsletter and Coupon
Our January 2021 Newsletter has been posted to our website, and OMG is it riveting reading! Seriously, there’s quite a lot going on with taxes this season, so you probably should skim through it. There are notes about business deductions,…
Stimulus 2 Status Update
Most of you have already received your second stimulus payment, but if you’re in the unlucky “still waiting” group, here’s the skinny… Remember when a bunch of people had issues with incorrect bank accounts on the first stimulus, and the…
Pre-Season Update 2021
Pre-season update time! Our Newsletter will be going out with your prior client coupons in a week or so, and we have a lot of tax and stimulus related announcements this year, so it should be riveting reading! The IRS…
Year-End Tax Tips and Special 2020 Notes
I’ve wanted to send an email update for a while, but our gov’t is so dysfunctional! No word on an additional stimulus. No word on tax law changes. No guidance on PPP or EIDL loans. Nothing definitive on tax law…
Fall 2020 Tax Tidbits
I was trying to wait until our gov’t actually made some tax decisions we could rely on for the upcoming season, but it’s an election year, so that won’t happen until, well, after the election. Yay for December and January…
Crunch Time!
OMG … It’s crunch time! Or, if you’re a tax preparer, will this tax season every end?! The IRS says “maybe not”, but for now we have to go with their announced tax deadline of July 15. That gives you…
Tax Day Approaches
Well, it’s finally June! 2020 is half over, if you can believe it, and I for one just can’t wait to see how the second half tops everything we’ve gotten so far! It’s almost better than Game of Thrones. Remember…
Another Stimulus Update
Stimulus Update time! Remember when they said you’d get that money in 3 days? Yeah, I spilled my beer laughing. Then they said a week or so. Then they said by the end of the month. Well… If you e-filed…
It’s Tax Day!
It’s Tax Day! Er, nope, not this year! This year, Tax Day is July 15th, which is much closer to Election Day, so I’m not sure what Congress was thinking there. I guess they figured the Stimulus Payments would buy…
Small Business Update
I’ve been trying to wait until I had direct feedback on the stimulus for small businesses before sending yet another email, but… No first hand knowledge yet. Lots of news reporting and all that blah blah blah, but not a…
UPDATED AGAIN! Social Security Recipients and Business Owners
The IRS has reversed itself again last night and put out the following statement: WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service today announced that Social Security beneficiaries who are not typically required to file…
UPDATED – Taxpayer Stimulus Info
Our gov’t made up it’s mind and told us how the personal stimulus payments would work, and then the IRS said how they would really work. And we all know who’s really in charge in DC! These details haven’t changed:…