Remember Congress passing that great big beautiful tax law last year, and how they said it would be awesome for everyone, but then tax season came and we told you not much changed until “next year”? Well next year cometh,…
Chaos is Coming
Remember Congress passing a pretty big tax overhaul bill last year? Almost none of it affected last tax season. The IRS has been scrambling to implement all the changes (mostly good) for this upcoming tax season, and there are some…
Late Filing Penalties
Today’s fun tax topic is penalties! *boos* Specifically, late filing and late payment penalties. *hiss* FYI, if you don’t file your taxes on time, the IRS won’t just go away. In fact, they get kinda #^@$! and send nasty letters,…
Tax Season Bumps
Tax season is well underway, so it’s time for a kinda long update. I know you guys are just dying to know how it’s going! The IRS has released all the funds they were holding until February 27 and is…
Refunds Incoming!
Quick update … We’ve heard from several clients that refunds are coming in from both the IRS and Georgia, but the IRS is still holding the entire refunds of everyone with refundable credits (Earned Income, Child Tax, Education) until at…
IRS Open for Business
Our government may shut down, but don’t think for a second that the IRS isn’t considered “essential”. Someone has to collect THEIR money! T-H-E-I-R-S. Freak spelling coincidence? Anyway, the IRS is now open (seriously late this year!) and we’ve already…
Tax Facts 2018 Newsletter and Coupon
There are lots of tax changes coming, but not soon. Not THIS year anyway. For NEXT year, there will be many changes, but don’t count on your taxes getting any simpler. This is our gov’t we’re talking about after all!…
Pre-Season Update 2018
Pre-season update time! Our Newsletter will be going out next week. The IRS just announced that they will open January 29th this year. We can prepare your taxes now if you already have all your documents, but we can’t actually…
Year-End Business Tips
We interuupt your holiday season for this special announcement… We’re going to have big tax changes NEXT year, and businesses in particular should be a bit better off. With that in mind, we recommend you spend money before December 31,…
Year-End Tax Tips (probably)
We’ve all heard a whole lot of “informed commentary” about the Tax Bill, but the fact is nothing has changed … yet. And even if Congress does pass it, most of the changes wouldn’t affect the current tax year. That…
Who Pays the Most in Taxes?
Watching the news these days… argulumph! That was some strange sound of annoyance, frustration, and exasperation coming from me. Bottom line question, what will happen with the tax code? Beats me. 6 months ago I would have bet on pretty…
Another Year of Do-Nothing
Promises, promises… But did any of us really think our dysfunctional federal government would get anything done? Actually, yes, we sort of did! We at least thought there would be changes to Obamacare. We weren’t really holding our breath on…
Where’s Waldo?
I know you guys wonder where we disappear to after tax season. Well wonder no more! Penny – Probably on a cruise. Ed – Trekking the PCT with Clint, then probably on a cruise with Penny. Clint – Finishing the…
Tax Freedom Day
Tax Freedom Day is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay its total tax bill for the year. This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 24th. Our Founding Fathers were not big…
IRS Money Dump
Refund update time! You know all those refunds the IRS said they would hold until at least February 15th? Well, they’ve turned the money spigot on and it’s flowing big time, so if you’ve been waiting for your refund, look…
Let’s Go Phishing!
Actually, we’re the phish, and there are a TON of phishers out there again this year! The IRS is especially concerned with telephone scams where people impersonate the IRS. The IRS will NEVER initiate contact with you by phone. They…
IRS Opens to little fanfare
The IRS opened officially today and it looks like things are running pretty smooth, but remember they’re going to hold most refunds until at least February 15. Honestly, we’re not holding our breath for that date and expect something like…
Tax Facts 2017 Newsletter and Coupon
The Chinese have a proverb that goes “may you live in interesting times”. Actually, it’s a curse, and it may not even be Chinese, but after the past year I feel the gist! On a “brighter” note, Washington was so…
Pre-Season Update – 1099’s and W2’s
Pre-season update time! Our Newsletter will be going out next week. The IRS opens on January 23rd this year. We can prepare your taxes now if you already have all your documents, but we really don’t recommend filing on the…
Year-End Tax Tips
I know you guys have a ton of questions regarding a Trump Presidency and taxes. So do we! There are likely some big tax changes on the horizon, but not this year and maybe not even next year. Dare we…